Have your eye on a promotion at work? While you may be thinking about all the things you should do to get it, you likely aren’t taking the time to think about what you shouldn’t be doing. Trust me when I say, if you make the following mistakes, it will cost you this promotion (as well as any other).
1.) Assume
You know what they say about assuming… If you are interested in a promotion, you must take the time to discuss your desire to be promoted with your immediate supervisor. Share what your goals and aspirations are and ask for their support. A good supervisor will work alongside you, helping you achieve your objectives. Chances are, if your supervisor is leaving their position, nothing will speak higher about their performance than having the opportunity to promote someone from their team.
2.) Check out
When a person feels a promotion is a shoo-in, they sometimes “checkout” of their role entirely, already thinking about the new position to come. This is a huge mistake. Whether you are promised a promotion or eyeing an upgrade, you must continue to perform your best within the role you are in. You never know who is watching. It could be someone from your company, a different department, or even a customer. It is in your interest to continually be at your best
3.) Gossip or Complain
When you are looking to make your way up, the worst thing you could do is begin gossiping or complaining about the ladder getting you there. Employees who get promoted care about building up their company and team – they don’t tear them apart. So, if what you want to say isn’t something constructive or collaborative, keep it to yourself.
4.) Take over
While you should undoubtedly display your capabilities and even take on more to show you can handle the job, there is a hierarchy you need to adhere to. In other words, you should not start taking over other people’s assignments (unless asked) or stepping in where it wouldn’t be considered appropriate. Do your job well, and take the initiative by helping others without taking over.
5.) Blame-shift
If you receive constructive criticism or correction, take responsibility, learn from it, and move forward. There’s nothing worse to an employer than an employee that is constantly blame-shifting and gaslighting – those employees create hostility and don’t go very far.
So, what should you do?
• Be kind, enthusiastic, and helpful to all (no matter their title or role).
• Communicate with your supervisor, expressing your desire to grow.
• Recognize and celebrate other colleagues’ achievements – working well with others
• Find opportunities to support team members and learn more.
• Take on additional tasks that others seem to push aside.
• Perform your absolute best, becoming an expert at what you do.
No matter where you are in your career, my program here at The Job Search School can help if you are looking for something more in your employment. Find out how by signing up for my FREE webinar today.