Have your eye on a promotion at work? While you may be thinking about all the things you should do to get it, you likely aren’t taking the time to think about what you shouldn’t be doing. Trust me when I say, if you make the following mistakes, it will cost you this promotion (as well as any other).

1.) Assume

You know what they say about assuming… If you are interested in a promotion, you must take the time to discuss your desire to be promoted with your immediate supervisor. Share what your goals and aspirations are and ask for their support. A good supervisor will work alongside you, helping you achieve your objectives. Chances are, if your supervisor is leaving their position, nothing will speak higher about their performance than having the opportunity to promote someone from their team.

2.) Check out

When a person feels a promotion is a shoo-in, they sometimes “checkout” of their role entirely, already thinking about the new position to come. This is a huge mistake. Whether you are promised a promotion or eyeing an upgrade, you must continue to perform your best within the role you are in. You never know who is watching. It could be someone from your company, a different department, or even a customer. It is in your interest to continually be at your best

3.) Gossip or Complain

When you are looking to make your way up, the worst thing you could do is begin gossiping or complaining about the ladder getting you there. Employees who get promoted care about building up their company and team – they don’t tear them apart. So, if what you want to say isn’t something constructive or collaborative, keep it to yourself.

4.) Take over

While you should undoubtedly display your capabilities and even take on more to show you can handle the job, there is a hierarchy you need to adhere to. In other words, you should not start taking over other people’s assignments (unless asked) or stepping in where it wouldn’t be considered appropriate. Do your job well, and take the initiative by helping others without taking over.

5.) Blame-shift

If you receive constructive criticism or correction, take responsibility, learn from it, and move forward. There’s nothing worse to an employer than an employee that is constantly blame-shifting and gaslighting – those employees create hostility and don’t go very far.

So, what should you do?

• Be kind, enthusiastic, and helpful to all (no matter their title or role).

• Communicate with your supervisor, expressing your desire to grow.

• Recognize and celebrate other colleagues’ achievements – working well with others

• Find opportunities to support team members and learn more.

• Take on additional tasks that others seem to push aside.

• Perform your absolute best, becoming an expert at what you do.

No matter where you are in your career, my program here at The Job Search School can help if you are looking for something more in your employment. Find out how by signing up for my FREE webinar today.

Research is one of the most critical factors determining whether or not you can make it through an interview successfully. Here’s what to research and why to prepare:

Research the company thoroughly.

Look at the company’s website, LinkedIn profile, press releases, and other social media. Learn more about the company: what they support, and their overall goals. This will help you, A.) Recognize potential red flags (what if you see reports that say the company isn’t doing well?); B.) Allow you to customize your answers to match the company’s needs; and, C.) Determine if this is a company that aligns with your objectives.

Research employee reviews – in detail.

Check out Glassdoor or Indeed and see what employees have to say. Read through each of the reviews individually. While a few negative reviews aren’t anything to be too concerned about, do note any recurring themes. Also, look at the dates when the employees posted the reviews. If you notice many positive reviews within the same time frame, the company may have asked employees to do a blitz (so you shouldn’t necessarily take those reviews into account). Also, see if the company responds to any reviews. Sometimes what they say (or don’t) speaks volumes.

Research the person interviewing you.

That’s right – research the interviewer! It doesn’t hurt to do a quick Google and LinkedIn search so that you can learn more about their background and experience. The more you walk into an interview knowing, the better!

Research salaries.

When speaking with a recruiter or hiring manager, the topic of salary will likely come up. I always advise my clients to turn the question around, asking the interviewer their salary range, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t know what you’re worth. Use Payscale, Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn to search for the salary range for your position (and in your region) so that you can make sure the estimated range provided is fair.

My FREE workshop can provide you with the top 3 strategies you need to land a job in today’s market. Best of all, my program can teach you precisely what to say and do to help you get through the interview process and into the role you want.

Contact me today to learn more: [email protected].

Your dream job is waiting.

I always get asked by clients if they should upload their resumes to the job boards.

My answer is quite simple.


Here’s why:

1.) Your resume contains detailed information you may not want to be made public.

A public resume could pose a problem if your resume falls into the wrong hands or a competitor sees various accomplishments that your current employer would not want shared in a “public” way. Keeping your resume under wraps unless asked helps prevent many of these security concerns – helping you remain in control of your personal information.

2.) This is your job search – being engaged is essential.

It is always best to allow a recruiter or hiring manager to contact you for your resume (or for you to submit your resume to jobs of interest yourself). This will enable you to remain engaged with the job search process and aware of how your job search is going. This way, you can see what’s working on your resume, what’s not, and what you can do to improve further as you search for a new role. 

3.) You can’t customize your resume for each position!

When searching for a new job, you MUST customize your resume for each position. Posting a general resume for review will ensure you don’t shine or stand out for a role that you are qualified for since your resume isn’t customized. You can miss out on your dream job by doing this. When it comes to your resume, one-size-fits-all is the worst job search strategy you can have. No two positions are the same, so your resume shouldn’t be the same either.

If you need more help with your job search check out my FREE workshop – which will provide you with the top 3 tips to land a job in today’s market. You will find it very enlightening if you struggle to hear back after you apply. Promise.

If you are searching for a new job and feeling exhausted, you are not alone.

Job search fatigue is a real thing, and unfortunately, not many people are willing to talk about it. This is especially true if you have been searching for a new job for quite some time. Emotions run high, finances run low, and sometimes, the search itself can feel so overwhelming, you’re ready to throw in the towel before you even start the day.

Trust me when I say you can and will get through this. Here are five simple ways to stay motivated with your job search.

1.) I want you to take a day off to recharge and refresh IMMEDIATELY.

Searching online day in and day out can be tedious. Job listings begin to look the same, your qualifications become blurred, and you become a bit robotic with your communications.

So, I want you to stop. Spend the day doing something that brings you joy – whether that be hiking, biking, going for a run, or cooking up your favorite meal. Call a friend that makes you laugh, watch a show that no one finds funny but you, and decide to keep your computer turned off.

Then, at some point during the day, I want you to take a brief moment to compliment yourself on three professional accomplishments. Take a moment to remember how you felt when those events happened. It could be as simple as helping customers find something they need to navigate a complex product launch. Whatever the case, toast to you.

2.) Put your plan in place.

There is nothing worse than searching for a new job without a track to run on. You will burn out and become so scattered that landing your dream job will feel (and indeed be) out of reach.

Remember those achievements that made you feel like gold? Think about how you made those accomplishments a reality, and what about them brought you joy. This way, you can target positions that will likely make you feel just as fulfilled.

Map out the job boards and company boards you want to tackle daily, as well as the people you would like to reach out to. Then, set out a job search schedule. The key here is to set a time limit. Once that’s been hit, you need to turn it off and recharge until tomorrow.

3.) List out your negotiables and non-negotiables.

With countless positions out there to choose from, there is a job that will check all or most of your boxes – as long as you have a plan set up to search. By knowing what you want to do (and what you don’t), you can quickly skim through job descriptions with ease, knowing what will work for you and what won’t. You would be surprised how many people settle for something they hate.

If there is a job you would love to have, but feel underqualified for, apply anyway. Highlight your transferable skills, showcase your experience (aligning your background with the job description), and confidently hit the send button.

Companies are not always looking for a candidate who matches to a “T,” but someone who will be an excellent fit for the team. What do you have to lose? Every job you do not apply for is a job you certainly will not get. Take the chance!

4.) Find ways to connect and ways to grow.

Find industry events, networking groups, web conferences, seminars, and in-person (or online) meet-ups that are of interest to you, and begin connecting with people. This is also the ideal time to take a course or pursue a certification to boost your confidence and candidacy.

But please, don’t limit this growth to your job search. If you currently aren’t working, do spend time each day tackling the hobbies you did on your “day-off.” Your value goes beyond your employment status.

5.) Do not go about your job search alone – it is okay to ask for help.

Gather your close friends and family around you that will provide you with the encouragement you need during this time. Ask them to review your resume for typos, or listen to you practice your “pitch.”You can even have them sit and video chat with you so you can practice looking into the camera (which is far easier said than done)! You have a support system around you that wants to cheer you on – all you have to do is ask.

Unfortunately, navigating a job search isn’t always so clear-cut. If you are a more seasoned worker, over 50 – or even a recent college grad, you may very well feel that the odds just aren’t in your favor – no matter who is by your side. This is especially true if you have an employment gap within your work history, are transitioning careers, or trying to find a job after working at the same company for quite some time.
That’s where the Job Search School comes in.

With a personalized plan and approach to help you craft the perfect resume, optimize your LinkedIn profile, expand your network, tap into the hidden job market, and more, I have helped thousands of professionals land their dream job – and would love to help you too!

Check out my FREE workshop, which covers many tips and tricks you can start using right away. That’s right. It’s FREE!

Finding a new job takes time. Your unemployment will be a thing of the past by putting your mental health first, devising a plan, and viewing this as a time to invest in yourself. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.”

Keep a positive mindset… And remember you’ve got this!

Let’s face it: at the end of the day, no matter how much you love (or hate) your job, you don’t work for free. So, figuring out the salary you deserve is essential. Countless clients come to me about their salary each week – wanting to know how they can determine what compensation they should get (or be getting). Whether you are searching for a new job or trying to figure out if you’re underpaid at your current one, here are three simple tips:

1.) Research extensively

When most people decide to research their salary, they simply input their title into Google and go with whatever figure comes up. But that isn’t always accurate. Your search must be far more detailed. I recommend using LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Payscale, and Indeed to search for your role. Then, input your location, your company, and similar companies. Remember to take benefits, time off, and 401k matches into account (since they are all a part of your compensation). 

2.) Speak with other industry professionals

While I know it is “taboo” to talk salary, the times, they are-a-changing! People have never been more open to discussing what they make – and asking other industry professionals what their salary range is too. Best of all, you can do this all online – there are countless private groups, message boards, and forums for you to search on (so your comments and theirs can remain confidential). 

3.) Ask the right questions 

If you are interviewing for a position, do not be the first to speak about salary. Instead if pressed about your requirements, ask what their budget is for the role. (Do your research prior so that you understand what that position pays and can provide them a realistic number/range.

Remember, when you receive an offer, always negotiate for more. The worst they can say is no.

And, if you are currently employed, talk with your supervisor during your performance review (or before then if appropriate). Let them know what you have found and why you feel entitled to more. You may be pleasantly surprised. Many companies have a budget set aside for such things (knowing that if you were to leave, they would have to hire someone at a higher salary anyway).

Here at the Job Search School, my comprehensive program can help you navigate all aspects of your job search – helping you land a role (and a salary) that you love. Check out my FREE workshop for tips that you can start using right away. And, as always, if you have any questions, you can reach my team and me at [email protected].

I look forward to hearing from you!

Why do employers ask weird interview questions? I’ve had clients asked whether they prefer cats or dogs, pens or pencils, red or blue – I mean, it can be pretty ridiculous. Believe it or not; however, there is a method to their madness.

Oddball interview questions take a candidate off-script. 

Weird questions can include “this or that” questions, imaginative questions, moral difficulties, or even questions based on logic. 

By asking questions that are a bit off-beat, interviewers can gain insight into your thought process, problem-solving skills, and honesty. Employers ask these questions to throw you off your A-game and better understand how you would fit on the team. 

While preparing for these questions is a challenge, it isn’t impossible.

Here’s how you can prepare for ‘weird’ interview questions.

Remain calm and confident: you’re supposed to feel thrown.

Employers use these questions to see how you handle situations off-script. Look the interviewer in the eyes, or camera, and remain relaxed  – even if you feel a bit thrown. Smile, and let the interviewer know you appreciate the question. To buy yourself a little time before answering, you can even say, “let me think about that for a moment.”

Think about how this question relates to the job, and answer the question honestly.

Answers to moral quandaries should show that you operate with integrity. This-or-that type of questions should show that you process your answer briefly before responding. Logic questions should always have a solution (try to think of one that utilizes a skill you would need on the job – however silly). Don’t ever just say, “I don’t know.” 


  • Say anything to put down the question or the interviewer (such as “This question is stupid.” or “How does this even relate to the position?”)
  • Try to be someone you’re not – the interviewer wants to gauge your personality, so put forth the best version of yourself.
  • Get too relaxed – you want to be yourself, but you do not want to be inappropriate. 


  • Have fun with the answer in a professional way.
  • Talk through your answer in a friendly and approachable way.
  • Be calm, and remain engaged. 

Learn how to nail your interview, negotiate a higher salary, and more through the Job Search School.

We have helped thousands of professionals land their dream job and would love to help you, too. Our comprehensive program will provide you with a personalized plan and approach so you can:

  • Find positions of interest.
  • Write the perfect resume.
  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile.
  • Address job gaps or transitions.
  • Expand your network. 
  • Tap into the Hidden Job Market.
  • Interview with confidence. 
  • Negotiate a higher salary, additional perks, and more!

Sign up for our FREE workshop for tips you can start using for your job search right away!

You know the saying, “There are never small parts, only small actors?” There are never any “silly” questions either! Because you know this, your candidacy will shine above the others.

Any questions? Reach out to our team today!

A resume doesn’t need an objective statement, but it does need a customized summary.  Here’s why, along with some examples:

Objectives on resumes are outdated. Summaries are not.

I recommend including a brief, 3-4 sentence summary instead of an objective on your resume. Your summary should briefly describe your title, years of experience, and top skills. It is a way for a recruiter or hiring manager to glance at your resume and gain all the information they need quickly.

According to Ladders.com, employers spend just 7 seconds scanning a resume. So, your summary is critical! Tailor your summary for each position you apply to. This ensures your resume makes it past the ATS (applicant tracking system) and through to a live person.

Here’s an example for you to review:

Business Development Manager with 10+ years of experience delivering sales strategies that generate growth and revenue, surpassing assigned targets. Expand markets throughout a given region by establishing, maintaining, and expanding key relationships that achieve objectives. Background includes account management, team leadership, marketing, and communications. Certified Sales Professional (CSP).

Is there ever a time to include an objective on a resume?

While I do not suggest including an objective on your resume, there are reasons to be a little more specific. For example, if you are transitioning from one role to another, you want to note that within your summary.

Copywriter with 5+ years of experience. Interested in transitioning into a direct-hire, full-time position. Expertise creating engaging content that furthers growth objectives. Background spans various industries, including retail, professional services, and real estate. Proficiency in digital marketing, social media strategy, and SEO.

You must be clear and concise.

Remember that a transition statement is only needed when you are transitioning. A basic summary is fine if you are only looking for a new job. 

We can help you write the perfect resume.

A resume needs more than just a customized summary. You need to format your resume in a way that gets past the ATS and through to a live person.

That’s where the Job Search School comes in.

I can teach you how to write the perfect resume and LinkedIn profile, address gaps in employment, tap into the hidden job market, negotiate a higher salary, and more!

Check out my FREE workshop for some tips you can use right away.

That’s right – it’s FREE and full of insights.

I have helped thousands of professionals and would love to help you too.

Your dream job is waiting.

If navigating a virtual interview puts you a bit on edge, you are not alone. I have countless clients contact me each week, wondering how the heck they are supposed to handle an interview online. In-person interviews are stressful enough but trying to “read the room,” so to speak, when there is no room to read, well – it can be challenging to say the least!

Regardless of how virtual interviews make you feel, they are here to stay and will be used as a tool to narrow down the candidacy. Companies have found that interviewing applicants in a virtual capacity is a time and money-saving tool, enabling them to interview numerous candidates from across the country in less time than they could in person. Here are some helpful tips to make your virtual interview a success.

1.) Prepare as you would for any other interview – the questions are no different.

Just as you would prepare for any other interview, it is vital to practice your responses to the traditional questions you will be asked, spend time researching this new role, and learn all you can about this potential new employer. Take notes, have questions and answers to questions on hand, and know what you want to convey about your candidacy and how.

2.) Be familiar with the program you are using, working out any technical issues.

Some of the most popular video conferencing software is Zoom, Skype, or Google Duo. Once the recruiter or hiring manager shares the platform you are using, make sure you are comfortable using it by setting up a preliminary call with a friend or family member to work through any technical issues.

3.) Find a well-lit and quiet room with a neutral background.

Find a quiet, well-lit room so that you can focus entirely on your interviewer (and so that your interviewer can focus entirely on you). If you have books or artwork behind you, make sure it is not anything offensive. If you do not want to show any part of your home, most platforms allow you to upload an image to use as a background.

4.) Dress the part.

Just because you are at home does not mean you shouldn’t dress up. Dress as you would for an in-person interview. While the interviewer should not judge you based on your appearance, first impressions are still important. Plus, when you dress up, you feel confident, putting you more at ease during the interview session.

5.)  Look at the camera and interviewer.

Sometimes on a video call, it is tempting to look at yourself on the screen instead of the person you are conversing with. During an interview, while it is acceptable to look at the interviewer as they are speaking, I recommend looking directly at the camera as you answer any questions to make “eye contact” with the interviewer. Avoid looking at yourself (no matter how good-looking you are!).

Take time to prepare, technically as well, and move forward with confidence. In the words of Willie Nelson, “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.” You applied for this job because you CAN do it. Virtual interview, in-person interview – it does not matter. Log on and shine like the star you are!

No matter where you are on your job search journey, my comprehensive training program at the Job Search School can help. Learn how to find (and get called for) positions of interest, master your interview, negotiate your salary, and much more! Join thousands of other fully satisfied clients by signing up for my FREE Workshop today!