How I Successfully Landed a Job in a Totally Unrelated Field

“How did you become a Job Coach?” is a question my clients typically ask, wondering how I transitioned into this career as they look to make a transition of their own. You see, I had lost my job in 2009 due to the housing crash. My background was within property management and interior design. I had quite the impressive resume, and thought landing a new job would be a breeze. Truth be told, it was not. I spent hours each day sending out application after application, with no response.

Even though I was highly qualified for the positions I was applying to, I did not understand how the job search and application process had changed. After sending out what felt like hundreds of applications, I realized that this wasn’t working. I had to make a change. 

I decided to learn all I possibly could about the job search process: how recruiters source talent, how companies sort applications, how employees should position themselves, etc. I attended conferences, spoke with hundreds of hiring managers and recruiters, and studied all the materials I could possibly get my hands on. 

Turns out, the way I was conducting my job search was wrong, and as soon as I made the necessary changes, calls for interviews came pouring in. That’s when I knew I was on to something.

You see, if I couldn’t land an interview, I knew others couldn’t either, so why not find a way to help them? More than 10 years and thousands of clients later, I can say without question that my comprehensive training program works, and I couldn’t be any prouder. 

They say that you should find something you love to do, and you’ll never work a day in your life, and it’s true. I love my job. If you are looking to transition into a new industry, I want to encourage you to take that next step. It can be scary to branch out into the unknown, but I can tell you first-hand that the journey is worth it. Here’s how I suggest you move forward:

1.) See a need and fill it.

I recognized that people may not know how to search for a job since the landscape continues to change, and are likely looking for some guidance and direction (I sure was). For you, it could be recognizing an industry that is growing, or a field that is about to boom. Once you recognize that need, determine what it is you can do to meet it.

2.) Focus on transferable skills.

My background was not in career coaching, resume writing, head hunting, etc., but I did have transferable skills that I knew would be beneficial, such as client relations, customer service, operations management, marketing, communications, business development, research, project management, and team leadership.  You have skills that are transferable, too. Think about your “soft” skills and figure out how you can use them to promote your ability to transition into something else.

3.) Gain experience.

I took my transferable skills and immersed myself within the material, building a successful team and business. You can do the same. Take advantage of opportunities to learn all you can. Sign up for various courses, and consider taking on a volunteer or internship opportunity if applicable. The more you know, and the more connections you can make, the easier your transition will be.

If you would like more information on how to position yourself for a transition, my comprehensive training program here at the Job Search School can show you how to do just that. With a personalized plan and approach, I will be with you every step of the way, cheering you on to the finish line.

In the words of Nelson Mandela, “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” You CAN do this, and you will. Once you do, you will be so glad that you did. I certainly am. Contact me today. Your dream job is waiting!

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