How Should You Prepare for an Interview?

If you have made it through to the interview process, congratulations are in order! The first hurdle is complete – making it past the ATS. You’ve done something right! So, now, it is your time to shine! Here are the top 3 ways to make sure your interview is a success:

1.) Research the company thoroughly.

It is in your interest to research the company you are interviewing with thoroughly so that you can have a better understanding of the company’s work culture and long-term goals.

This will help as you craft and prepare answers, and questions (which you absolutely should do). More importantly, this will confirm your decision to move forward with this opportunity, because truth be told, if the company’s vision doesn’t align with your own personal values, it may not be a job you want.

I recommend searching through the company’s website to read press releases and mission statements,  in addition to social media accounts (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc..). I would also sort through employee reviews on websites such as Glassdoor and Indeed.

2.) Dress for success (whether in person or virtual).

No matter how your interview is being conducted, it is important that you put your best foot forward by dressing up for the occasion. I am not saying you are being judged or should be judged by your appearance, but I am saying that dressing up demonstrates that you care about the position and WANT to make a good impression.

And let’s face it, your appearance is the first impression you can provide. So, regardless of if you are meeting with a hiring manager in person or online, dress to impress!

3.) Rehearse responses beforehand.

If you were let go from your previous employer, have a gap in your resume, or a specific item you want to highlight, have your statement prepared ahead of time. This will ensure that you are comfortable with your answers, articulating them in a concise manner. 

Remember, it is important that you never speak negatively about a previous employer, no matter what the circumstance. Always provide a positive spin on anything you may discuss.

For example, I had worked for ABC Beverage for 8 years; however, after numerous shifts in leadership and budget cuts, I became increasingly concerned about my ability to complete various complex projects without the tools necessary to succeed. My manager, Frank, made the most of this challenging situation, but I did feel it was time to move on and am excited about this opportunity.

Whether you have just started on your job search journey, or are well on your way, my comprehensive training program here at the Job Search School can help! With courses ranging from salary negotiation, ageism, virtual interview mastery, and much more, I am committed to helping make your dream job a reality. Contact me today to learn more! 

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