Resume Keywords

If you are looking for a new job, there is something you should know. Companies scan your resume using an ATS (applicant tracking system) to see if your resume meets their needs. The higher your resume scores, the better your chances of being called in for an interview. To get your resume on point, you need to include specific keywords to trigger a positive response from the ATS.

Review the job description thoroughly.

The job description will undoubtedly have the keywords listed throughout. This means that you should write your resume to meet the position’s needs, aligning your skills and experience to highlight them. So, if “business development strategy” is your specialty and has been conveyed within the job description, utilize “business development strategy” frequently within your summary, skills, and accomplishments.

Customize your resume for each position.

Though there may be industry-specific keywords that are the same for various, similar positions, you must customize your resume to meet the needs of each job application. This means updating your resume to align with every new role, including your title, skills, summary, and accomplishments. Remember, if your resume doesn’t match the needs of the job description, your resume will likely score lower – no matter how qualified you are.

Be honest.

Do not highlight or pull keywords that are for skills you don’t have. That wouldn’t be honest, and quite frankly, wouldn’t be in your best interest professionally. I also do not recommend copying the job description – that would not bode well when a recruiter or hiring manager reviews it. They want to see a unique resume that you craft.

Learn from the pros.

Here at The Job Search School, we cover everything – from creating the perfect resume to negotiating a higher salary. With thousands of fully-satisfied clients, my comprehensive program is customized to ensure your success. Want to learn more? Sign up for my FREE webinar for tips and strategies you can start using for your job search today. Your dream job is waiting! 

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